
UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science




Computational Biology Symposium
UCL, 15th February 2011
Poster presented by Ruth and Varsha: Bringing Gene Ontology to cardiovascular research

Signalling Ontology workshop
EBI, 16-17th February 2011
Attended by Ruth and Varsha

ENFIN Enabling Systems Biology Conference & Bioinformatics Workshop
UCL, 11-14th April 2011
Poster presented by Ruth and Varsha entitled: Bringing Gene Ontology to cardiovascular research

Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting
University of Southern California, 19-21st May 2011
Ruth was invited to give two 10 min presentations entitled: Community annotation and Focused annotation

Apotosis Ontology workshop
EBI, 1st June 2011
Attended by Ruth

HUPO 2011 World Congress
Geneva, Switzerland, 3-7th September 2011
Henning Hermjakob from the EBI, kindly presented the Cardiovascular Gene Ontology Initiative under the imaginative title Human Protein Knowledgebase for the Heart and Soul.
UniProt usability workshop
EBI, Hinxton, 29th October 2011
Varsha was invited to participate in this workshop aimed at improving the usability of the UniProt website

Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting
UCL, 7-9th November 2011
Organised by Ruth and Varsha

Cardiac Conduction Ontology workshop
UCL, 10-11th November 2011
Organised by Ruth and Varsha; Led by Ruth