
UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science




Joint meeting of the London Hypertension Society and London Vascular Biology Forum
London, 18th March 2009
Attended by Ruth and Varsha

Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting
Oregon, 30th March - 1st April 2009
Attended remotely by Ruth and Varsha

3rd International Biocurator Conference
Berlin, 16-19th April 2009
Poster presented by Varsha entitled: Cardiovascular Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative

British Atherosclerosis Meeting
Cambridge, 17-18th September 2009
Ruth was invited to give a 20 min presentation entitled: Meet the Experts

Heart Development Ontology Workshop
UCL, 22nd September 2009
Organised by Varsha and Ruth; Led by Varsha

Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting
Cambridge, 23-25th September 2009
Varsha gave a 10 min invited presentation on the heart development ontology workshop
Ruth led a 20 min discussion on the binding ontology

Institute of Stroke Research - Scientific Meeting
UCL, 13th October 2009
Poster presented by Ruth entitled: Gene Ontology -  A Way Forwards

UCL Genetics Institute - Public launch
UCL, 11th November 2009
Poster presented by Ruth entitled: Gene Ontology - A Way Forwards

8th London Heart Development Meeting
London, 1st December 2009
Varsha was invited to give a 20 min presentation entitled: Heart Development and Gene Ontology