Biobank and Pathology Introductory Seminar
01 July 2016, 10:00 am–11:00 am
Join Dr Joanne McDonald and Dr Gareth Gerrard as they host an introductory seminar on the Biobank and Pathology Core Facilities available at UCL/UCLH, Friday 1st July 10.00 - 11.00am.
Event Information
2nd Floor Meeting Room, Paul O'Gorman Building, UCL Cancer Institute
An introduction to the UCL / UCLH Biobank for Studying Health and Disease: Find out how to apply for ethical approval for prospective tissue collections and access the UCLH pathology clinical diagnostic archive. Presented by Dr Joanne McDonald, Biobank Manager.
Introduction to the Pathology Core Facility Services: histology and molecular services, including tissue processing, embedding, sectioning, and DNA/RNA extraction from tissue. Presented by Dr Gareth Gerrard, Molecular Pathologist and Pathology Core Facility Manager.
All welcome. For more information, please contact: Joanne, or Gareth,
Friday 1st July, 10.00 - 11.00am
2nd Floor meeting room
Paul O'Gorman Building
UCL Cancer Institute
London, WC1E 4DD