
Bloomsbury Theatre and Studio


UCL Drama: A Night at the Theatre

24 May 2024, 7:30 pm

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UCL Drama presents a Monologue Slam

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Bloomsbury Theatre
020 3108 1000

‘What is that unforgettable line?’ asks Winnie in Samuel Beckett’s play Happy Days.

This Night at the Theatre will be chock-full of unforgettable lines, from the famous question, ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me…?’ to modern day classics that hit closer to home – ‘I find reality pretty difficult,’ – and questions that should be asked more often, ‘Do you know what social workers do?’ Do you? Do you see the dagger, or find reality difficult or know what social workers do?

We come to the theatre to find out, or at least to be asked the question. So, come with us on a journey through the theatre. There will be music, film and a series of monologues, some famous, some not and some written just for you.

For one night, and one night only… join us at The Theatre.