Spain Before Her Critics: Keys to the Black Legend /
España ante sus críticos: claves de la Leyenda Negra
Universität Basel, 2-3 October 2014
Institut für Iberoromanistik, Maiengasse 51, Basel, Switzerland
den Boer (Universität Basel), Yolanda Rodríguez Pérez (Universiteit van
Amsterdam), Antonio Sánchez Jiménez (Université Neuchâtel)
The international workshop Spain Before Her Critics: Keys to the Black Legend at Basel University is organised within the Dutch NWO-Internationalization project (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) The Black Legend and the Spanish Identity in Golden Age Spanish Theatre (1580-1665). The project studies the Black Legend as an Early-Modern cultural dialogue, one in which Spanish intellectuals saw foreign prejudices as challenge that they needed to answer.
The workshop explores the keys to understand the Black Legend and its development, focussing on the role played by different European discursive traditions. It will also analyse how the Spaniards were fully aware of foreign criticism and in which ways they reacted to it. Furthermore, we shall reflect on new lines of research within Black Legend studies.
second international workshop (Amsterdam, 1-2 October 2015) will study this
cultural dialogue between Spain and its detractors in the context of Golden Age
Partners of the project:
van Amsterdam, Universität Basel, University College London, Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster,
GRISO (Universidad de Navarra), Université de Neuchâtel.
Fernando Bouza, (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Harm den Boer, (Universität Basel); Juan Luis González García, (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Eric Griffin, (Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi); Santiago López Morera, (Universidad de Extremadura); Fernando Martínez Luna, (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen); Yolanda Rodríguez Pérez, (Universiteit van Amsterdam); Antonio Sánchez Jiménez, (Université de Neuchâtel); Carmen Sanz Ayán, (Real Academia de la Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Instituto del Teatro); Alexander Samson, (University College London); Jesús María Usunáriz, (GRISO, Universidad de Navarra).