
Biological Physics


Thomas Blacker awarded UCL CNT Prize

30 April 2018

Congratulations to Thomas Blacker, BioP research associate co-supervised by Angus Bain, for being awarded the Annual Early Career Prize (2017) of the UCL Centre for Neuroimaging Techniques (CNT).

Thomas Blacker awarded UCL CNT Prize

The award aims to reward an exceptional contribution by a UCL student or staff member in the early stages of their career in the field of Neuroimaging. Tom is the annual award's 10th winner; the award is sponsored by Brain Products GmbH and Brain Products UK and consists of a cheque for £1000, trophy and certificate. We plan to present the award to Tom at the CNT seminar to be given by Dr Jeff Duyn of the NIH/NINDS on 3rd May 2018.

2017 award winner Tom Blacker (centre) with CNT Chair Prof Louis Lemieux (left) and guest seminar speaker Dr Jeff Duyn (NINDS/NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA). Tom is holding the trophy and award certificate.
