We strive to replace animal research with alternative methods where possible. These include human medical imaging, computer modelling, human volunteer studies, tissue culture, genetic and statistical studies. UCL is pioneering the use of human stem cells to study diseases, and was recently awarded £900,000 to develop a model for dementia that uses stem cells instead of animals.
Experiments are always designed to use as few animals as possible to answer the scientific question being investigated.
Scientists will record as much data as possible from each experiment so that the experiments do not need to be repeated as often. Researchers also re-analyse data from past experiments using modern techniques to avoid using animals again.
We are also reducing the number of animals kept in our breeding facilities, for example by freezing mouse embryos until they are required for a procedure. Embryos remain healthy and viable for decades after being frozen, reducing the need to keep strains of mice for breeding until they are needed.
Animals are raised and housed under strictly controlled conditions and all scientific procedures are carried out as humanely as possible. The impact of an experiment on animal welfare is a consideration from the planning phase right through to the end of the procedure. Research is designed to minimise the use of invasive or distressing procedures where possible, and anaesthetic is always used where appropriate.