
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering



London 2016

University College London in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is announcing its Vaccines Bioprocess Development & Commercialization Workshop for 17th - 19th May 2016. This course builds upon the success of last year's course at the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA.

Vaccines represent a challenging area of development. There are many antigen designs and expression systems, all of which impact on the upstream and downstream process steps. This course seeks to use a combination of lectures and case studies to allow delegates to appreciate the different scale-up strategies within the complex regulatory framework for these multifarious biologics.

A team of outstanding international experts has agreed to join us in exploring the issues related to process development, regulation and commercialization of new vaccine products. The speakers will be available during for course for direct discussion and networking opportunities.

Speakers from MedImmune - Astra Zeneca, MIT, Pfizer, Protein Sciences, GE Healthcare and GSK will focus on the key technical aspects critical for success and integrate those with an understanding of the regulatory environment.

Meeting location

This meeting will be located at the main UCL campus on Gower Street, London (UK).

For more information or to book a place, please email mbi-training@ucl.ac.uk.

Confirmed Speakers

This meeting will be held at University College London and will focus on issues related to antigen design, decisional tools for process economics, scale up and scale down and analytics.

Some of our confirmed speakers are

More to be updated shortly.

Provisional Programme