
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


EngD projects

The Department of Biochemical Engineering at UCL manages an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded Industrial Doctoral Training Centre in Bioprocess Engineering Leadership. The IDTC provides opportunities for collaborative research with companies via tailored one-to-one Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programmes.

Graduates work for periods up to three years at company sites while pursuing their enhanced doctorates at the UCL Centre. Under the EPSRC scheme each graduate works under your managers and our specialised staff. Over a 4 year period we will help to plan a tailored study of an aspect of bioprocessing including validation and development issues on which all these graduates are trained. Because they can also take courses developed with the London Business School they can also bring your company wider skills. 

See how other companies are using the EngD scheme to tackle their research challenges.

The EPSRC provides about 50% of the costs of an EngD. We seek cash and in kind company inputs to match this and to provide the necessary costs of consumables and equipment infrastructure and will work with you to decide how best to finance the project.