
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Public engagement

'Public engagement' describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of our research can be shared with the public.

Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit. Not only does engagement with diverse audiences communicate our ideas and solutions more widely, it also sharpens our understanding and improves our ability to communicate our discoveries, which is why it is so important to us.


Bioprocessing Matters Newsletter

UCL Biochemical Engineering has always driven research excellence, and this newsletter provides a snapshot of some of the bioprocess leadership activities currently being undertaken with industrial partners. There is a regular section of the Newsletter that is dedicated to highlighting the activities of the EPSRC Centre.


EPSRC Public Communication Training

EPSRC grant applicants can apply for Public Communication training as part of their funding proposal. This can be used for specialist training to acquire the skills for addressing public audiences.

UCL Public Engagement Training

Public engagement training will be provided by UCL's Public Engagement Unit which coordinates the EPSRC-funded Train and Engage programme, designed to provide training, advice, guidance and resources to support postgraduate students to design, develop and implement their own project activities that involve people outside the university.

Science, engineering and schools

The foundation of our education and training programmes is laid in schools. We have a number of ways in which we can convey the excitement of what we do and how it can 'change the world' for the better.

  • Information for Prospective Students

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  • Information for Teachers

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The Centre will be present at science festivals and events from 2013 and will be providing opportunities for young potential engineers and school students to learn more about and participate in Centre activities.