
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Centre feasibility studies (industrial)

Funding for feasibility studies of 6-12 months duration is available to UK academics external to the Centre. These studies are intended to explore new areas of basic research for the Centre but should be relevant to current or future industrial practice. They need to relate to the Centre vision but can span the full breadth of our remit.

The priority themes for feasibility studies are:

  1. Biophysical measurement
  2. New technologies and manufacturing strategies
  3. Modelling / Optimisation methodologies
  4. Lifecycle cost analysis

The intention is that Centre involvement will help to bring these studies forward to a point where incorporation within the Centre programme is possible or where new funding opportunities are created. In this way these studies will grow the capabilities of the Centre and its network of users.

40% of the EPSRC Centre activities are focussed on outreach, dissemination and crucially the bringing in of new ideas by growth of the network facilitated by feasibility studies. Feasibility studies with academics external to the centre are crucial to bring in new ideas and to grow the network.

If you have a potential topic for a feasibility study that fits the remit of the Centre please contact Andrew Davidson to discuss whether we can facilitate a study with an academic collaborator. 

Further information on the studies and the priority themes. <link to DL1>