Great to welcome the new Beaker Society committee for 2021
22 July 2021
It’s a great pleasure to be able to introduce, from top left across: Ciara (President), Matt (Social Secretary), Gyorgi (Communications Officer), Geoff (Vice President), Georgia (Secretary), Noor (Treasurer) and Fatima (Social Media Officer)
We’d like to say a huge hi and hello to the committee of the 2021-2022 Beakers Society, named after the heroic and inspirational Beaker from The Muppet Show. We asked them a few questions to find out a bit more about them:
Matt Wasmuth
I'm the Social Secretary and I studied BSc. Biology - University of Kent, MSc. - University of Edinburgh. I'm now on the EngD Biochemical Engineering and Bioprocess Leadership working on Cellular Agriculture, 3D Bioprinting and Synthetic Biology. I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of my cohort through social events. Heard the Xmas ball and summer BBQ are a laugh so I am excited to be part of the planning for those events.
Georgia Taylor
I'm the Secretary and I have a BSc and MSD in Biochemistry which I undertook at the University of Essex. Now I'm studying a PhD Biochemical Engineering working on mRNA vaccines for HIV. I am most looking forward to getting to know more PhD students and planning events that everyone can enjoy
Ciara Lucas
I'm the President and before starting my EngD Biochemical Engineering here at UCL Biochemical Engineering I did an MEng Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath. Maths, further maths, chemistry and English literature at bay house school and sixth form in Gosport, UK. I'm now working on Perfusion Bioreactors. As President of The Beakers, I'm excited about organizing a summer surf trip and the Christmas ball
George Ovari
My role in The Beakers is Communication Officer. I studied Chemical Engineering (MEng) at the University of Edinburgh before coming to UCL Biochemical Engineering to undertake an Engineering Doctorate (EngD). My research focuses on novel separation media for downstream processing. I am looking forward to organizing the Christmas Ball for the department.
Geoff Howe
I'm the Vice President. I completed my BSc in Industrial Biochemistry and worked at Biomarin Pharmaceuticals for two years in the DSP of enzyme replacement therapies, both in Ireland and I'm now enrolled on a PhD in Biochemical Engineering with an interest in Synthetic biology, viral vector engineering and gene therapy. As Beakers Vice President, I'm looking forward to helping incoming students find their feet and also helping current students get back in touch with each other in person as we emerge from lock-down.
Noor Mujahid
Treasurer. I did my A levels in London and then went on to do Pharmacy at UCL with my Masters project in Paris Descartes University and I'm taking a Biochemical Engineering PhD I am interested in addressing purification and productivity challanges that inevitability arise by taking ATMPs from bench to large scale manufacturing. After the tough year and a half we have all had under the pandemic I want to support the Beakers in getting people out from behind MS teams to meeting and having fun together.
Fatima Ceballos Rodriguez-Conde
Social Media Officer and I'm took an MSci Biochemistry at UCL before starting a PhD Biochemical Engineering looking at Environmental biotechnology and a focus on plastic biodegradation I am looking forward to getting more involved in the department and help in the organisation of the world famous Beaker's events!