From duelling swamp to carbon-zero: a weird journey at UCL through the ages | Welcome Series 2023
26 September 2023, 3:00 pm–4:30 pm

Join UCL Biochemical Engineering's Communications Coordinator for a walking tour around the UCL Bloomsbury campus, taking an eclectic look at the history of the people, campus, and ideas of the university.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL students
- Yes
- Free
Kim Morgan – Biochemical Engineering020 7679 9849
Front of Bernard Katz buildingUCL Biochemical EngineeringLondonWC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom
Further details and booking link will be provided soon. This event is for new UCL Engineering students.
About the Speaker
Kim Morgan
Outreach and Communications Co-ordinator at UCL Biochemical Engineering
Other events in this series