Hub Formulation Specialist Working Group
19 March 2019, 10:00 am–2:00 pm

Future Targeted Healthcare Medicine Manufacture Hub. Open to User Steering Committee, Advisory Board, Hub Academics and Researchers
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- Invitation Only
- Yes
- Free
Ella Bonnist – UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering02076795280
Woburn House Conference CentreTavistock SquareLondonWC1H 9SN
This meeting is open to members of the Hub's User Steering Commitee, Advisory Board, Academic Team and invited guests
The overall aim of this specialist working group is to:
Continue to assess the strategic research direction for formulation work within the Hub, in terms of whether it is addressing the key challenges within stratified protein therapy industry.
Identify any emerging areas to consider when planning future research directions.
Identify opportunities for collaboration, and also key materials and resources required for the project proposed.
Evaluate potential risks to the success of the formulation work packages within the Hub.
The Formulation specialist working group convenes twice a year to continually review this aspect of the Hub activity