
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Clone of VISION Leadership Training

VISION is a leadership course uniquely tailored for the bioindustry to capture the synergies between bioscience, technology and business practice






In rapidly evolving technology driven bioindustries, leaders are facing challenging tasks of developing and adapting to new business models, identifying cutting edge research which can cost effectively translate to production level, devise and implement strategies that can be implanted within the global regulatory, marketing and socio-political landscapes.

Designed for talented high impact individuals VISION provides executive leadership insights tailored for present and future leaders in the bioindustries through rigorous intellectual analysis and intensive, practical, peer-to-peer action-based learning giving you the tools required to drive innovation, entrepreneurship and global leadership in your organisation.

UCL is ranked as one of the top ten world universities and the leading London-based university. The Department of Biochemical Engineering is acknowledged as the UK Centre of Excellence in the field. We are uniquely positioned to strategically partner with key leaders in industry to create innovative programmes.


Hone your leadership qualities, adapt your approach to business challenges with new strategic thinking to enhance your performance & benefit your organisation


  • Know how to make the transition from science and engineering based decision making towards company- wide strategic resolutions 

  • Build an invaluable network with elite peers and experts from academia and industry who challenge, stimulate and inspire you 

  • Gain perspectives on leadership challenges and critical business issues facing bioindustry globally and formulate actions to address these 

  • Learn from reallife cases studies how to succeed
in making difficult decisions, also devising and implementing strategies to secure a more robust future for your business 

  • Access and share best practices from experts on how to be a good leader and avoid pitfalls in constantly evolving market 

  • Achieve your personal development and career objectives 

  • Evaluate the impact of key innovative research and technologies on the future of business and manufacturing. 


  • Maximize team building, facilitate joint learning and strategic alignment when several key members from an organization attend VISION together 
  • Complement in-house training for succession planning and talent development 
  • Gain key considerations for driving and navigating changes in business to stay ahead 
  • Enhance agility of your organization and how to translate knowledge into commercial benefit  
  • Access tools for effectively working across a multi- disciplinary business, holistically identify problems, formulate strategies and adapt to change. 

2018 VISION Core Course at UCL - Register Now

For more information contact: 

Dr Naveraj K Gill, Strategic Alliance Director

E: naveraj.gill@ucl.ac.uk  |  T: +44 (0) 203 549 5619