
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Two high profile seminars 19th and 20th May

16 May 2016

This week we have two high profile seminars taking place in the department from two internationally leading speakers from the University of Oxford and MIT, Prof. Adrian Hill (left) and Prof. Chris Love (right). 

Seminar 1 - Vaccines for Ebola - Tackling A Market Failure.

Thursday 19th May, 2:30pm,  Roberts building 106

Prof. Adrian Hill from the Jenner Institute will talk about his centres work on fighting the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa and some of the manufacturing issues and market failures. While there were several groups working on an Ebola vaccine, the Oxford group was the most advanced and later teamed up with GSK/Okiris to get the vaccine into West Africa. Here about their story this Thursday. 

Seminar 2 - Integrated and On-demand Bioprocessing. 

Friday 20th May, 1:00pm, Level 4 Design Suite, Bernard Katz

Prof. Chris Love from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will talk about his groups work in miniaturising and integrating bioprocessing. While our Ultra-scale down approach has been to mimic the bioprocessing environment at the commercial scale, his work with DARPA has been to create on-demand doses of drug substance in as small a footprint as possible. One might consider this as bioprocessing in a backpack for battlefield use.However, the lessons learnt here have also been applied to other projects with several lessons to be learned, especially with monoclonal antibodies.