
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Alumni Evening April 2016

10 May 2016

We held the inaugural alumni evening for graduates of the department of Biochemical Engineering on Thursday the 21st April, 2016 at UCL.

Graduates going back as far as the 1960s met with current staff (many of whom studied here) up to reminisce, hear about the origins of the department and discipline with Professor Nigel Titchener-Hooker (former Head of Department and now Dean of the Faculty of Engineering) and look forward to the future with the new Head of Department, Professor Gary Lye.

We are very grateful to everyone who came along to help us make it such a wonderful evening and would also like to thank all those who worked so hard to make it a success. In the coming weeks we will be approaching people who attended to get feedback to help us connect with our alumni. In 2018 the department will be celebrating its 20 year anniversary and we aim to build on the success of this year's event.