
The Bartlett School of Planning


Spatial Dimensions of Rural Policy

Spatial Dimensions of Rural Policy was funded by SEERA (South East England Regional Assembly) and SEEDA (South East England Development Agency) in 2003 - 2004.

The Spatial Dimensions of Rural Policy project involved a categorisation of rural areas in south east England using a range of spatial data. The study fed into the development of the South East Plan and defined different area categories and their characteristics in the region.

A report to the funding partners was published by the BSP in 2004.


Professor Nick Gallent
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Dr Marco Bianconi

Ian Greatbatch 


Two reports were published from this project and paper linking its data themes to the changing geography of sub-regional planning in the mid 2000s

Bianconi,M., Gallent,N., Greatbatch,I. (2006). 'The changing geography of sub-regional planning in England'. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24(3), 317-330. ISSN: 0263-774X

Gallent, N., Greatbatch, I., Oades, R., Bianconi, M. (2004), Spatial Dimensions of Rural Policy in South East England. Guildford: South East England Regional Assembly.

Gallent,N., Greatbatch,I. (2005), Spatial Dimensions of Rural Planning: Stage 2. Guildford: South East England Regional Assembly 


The project had a direct feed into the South East Plan as an evidence study, and was used as a basis for understanding regional sensitivities to development.

Rural Spatial analysis