
The Bartlett School of Planning


Selecting and Allocating Land for Housing Development

Selecting and Allocating Land for Housing Development: Politics, Expedient Sites, Regional Planning and Localism was funded by the RICS Education Trust in 2010/11.


The project was originally called The Politics of Privilege: Delivering New Homes on 'Privileged' Sites in England. The study examined the balance that is struck locally between allocations as a purely technical process, and the selection of sites for housing as a political act that might deviate from 'good planning'. Its context was the seismic shifts in planning policy that were apparent in 2009/10, particularly the transitional status of regional strategies, the fate of strategic major sites, and the localisation of planning.


Professor Nick Gallent
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Dr Manuela Madeddu
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Iqbal Hamiduddin
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A report from this project has been published by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Education Trust:

Nick Gallent, Iqbal Hamiduddin and Manuela Madeddu, 'Selecting and Allocating Sites for Housing Development: Politics, Expedient Sites, Regional Planning and Localism', in Findings in Built and Rural Environments (FiBRE), RICS Education Trust, London (forthcoming). 

Housing Communities