Cities for Human Locomotion
15 April 2013

A new project, ‘Cities for Human Locomotion’, led by Dr Stephen Marshall, has been funded by the UCL Grand Challenge of Sustainable Cities (GCSC).
The GCSC rallies together expertise from all UCL disciplinary areas and works in partnership with external agencies in order to address issues of global significance.
The ‘City for Human Locomotion’ is the vision of an urban environment designed to expedite travel on foot, by bicycle, wheelchair and other human-powered modes (rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, etc.). The aim of the project is to assemble baseline knowledge about the different human-powered modes, their potential conflicts and synergies, and their potential roles in a sustainable ‘city for human locomotion’.
The project, running from 1st April to 31st July 2013, will involve pilot surveys of the use of these modes, such as instrumentation of their speed and movement attributes, and mapping routes taken.
The research team comprises Stephen Marshall and Stephen Lorimer (Bartlett School of Planning); Nick Tyler and Catherine Holloway (Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering) and Michael Batty and James Cheshire (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis).
Contact: Stephen Marshall at