The RTPI Awards for Research Excellence: Bartlett Planning Finalists
4 August 2023
Congratulations to the two Planning finalists for the Sir Peter Hall Award for Excellence in Research and Engagement.

Our own Dr Pablo Sendra and Professor Nick Gallent have been announced as finalists for the RTPI's Sir Peter Hall Award for Excellence in Research and Engagement.
The RTPI Awards for Research Excellence provide an opportunity to celebrate leading research across the planning community. Details of The Bartlett School if Planning's finalists:
Dr. Pablo Sendra, UCL
The Ethics of Co-Design
There is a lack of definition in policy of the term co-design, and yet local authorities and developers are increasingly using it. To avoid that this term becomes meaningless, it is essential to define how to run co-design processes ethically. Building on case studies, professional experience, collaborations with communities, and a Participatory Action Research approach, this paper defines a set of principles on how to run a co-design process ethically and genuinely including communities in decision-making. Departing from the legal Principles for Fair Consultation in England and Wales, the paper expands them and results into ten ethical principles for co-design.
Prof. Nick Gallent, UCL with Dr Phoebe Stirling and Dr Iqbal Hamiduddin, UCL & Dr Meiling Wu, Singapore Management University
Village Housing: Constraints and Opportunities in Rural England
'Village Housing: Constraints and Opportunities in rural England' situates an analysis of past, current and future housing delivery in its broader political economy of private land rights, public intervention, finance, and taxation. Using a mix of archival research and local case studies, it explores the constraints affecting current housing delivery models, and the opportunities that exist, through different planning, finance and tax approaches, to deliver the homes that rural communities need in the future.
The winners are due to be announced on 4th September.
See the full list on finalists on the RTPI's website.