
The Bartlett School of Planning


Free online course: Transforming Urban Mobility

19 October 2020

Cities Introduction to Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities developed by UCL and GIZ/TUMI with the Futurelearn platform - with FREE access. Start: November 2nd, 2020


Register: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/introducing-sustainable-urban-mobility

Mobility has become an integral component in all of our lives – transport allows us to access activities and to participate in life. But car-based mobility has many adverse impacts.

Discover how to develop more sustainable urban mobility strategies, using the Avoid- Shift-Improve framework.

Part I: Introduction to Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities

  • WEEK 1: Introduction to the course
  • WEEK 2: How does transport affect our cities?
  • WEEK 3: The Avoid-Shift-Improve framework WEEK 4: Integrated urban planning and transport

Part II: Components of Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities

  • WEEK 1: Travel demand management
  • WEEK 2: Public transport
  • WEEK 3: Walking, public space and cycling
  • WEEK 4: Low emission vehicles
  • WEEK 5: Decision-making process and participation

View the course poster.