Major Infrastructure Planning and Delivery - Book Launch
04 December 2023, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm
Join us for the launch of ‘Major Infrastructure Planning and Delivery: Exploring Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPS)'.
Event Information
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Professor Ben Clifford
G01Central House14 Upper Woburn PlaceLondonWC1H 0NNUnited Kingdom
Recently published by UCL Press, join us as we launch the book ‘Major Infrastructure Planning and Delivery: Exploring Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in England and Wales’.
We will explore the key issues discussed in the book, including the relationship between planning, consent and delivery of infrastructure and the role of local authorities and local communities in planning for nationally significant infrastructure and will also consider the importance of successful infrastructure delivery for national social, economic and environmental objectives including the transition to net zero.
Professors Ben Clifford and Janice Morphet from the UCL Bartlett School of Planning will provide a brief synopsis of the book and its main arguments. Dr Dan Durrant (UCL Barltett School of Planning) and Jan Bessell (Chair of the National Infrastructure Planning Association) will respond, providing commentary on the key themes from the book and their own perspectives on the issues.