Public Lecture Series: Foundational liveability, place and planning
31 October 2019, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
BSP is pleased to invite you to the first instalment of the 2019/20 Public Lecture Series
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Victoria Howard
Gustave Tuck Lecture TheatreWilkins BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
Policies of “making the economy work” according to metrics like GVA are a post 1945 invention which are now reaching their end. Hence, the proposal of “foundational liveability” as a new policy object and a practical way of improving the well-being of current and future generations. The new focus should be on the drivers of liveability for all households: grounded local services like housing, utilities, health and education; the mobility infrastructure of transport systems; and the social infrastructure of parks, libraries and the high street. More participative place-based policies on these infrastructures of everyday life will need expert support and planning could here play a new and important role especially in the articulation of citizen needs for land use and in the taxing of the unearned increment in land values.
The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception in the Wilkins South Cloisters.
About the Speaker
Karel Williams and Julie Froud
Professors at Aliiance Manchester Business School
Julie Froud and Karel Williams are both professors at the Alliance Manchester Business School and members of the Foundational Economy Collective. The collective’s most recent book is 'Foundational Economy (MUP,2018)' also available as Die Okonomie des Altagslebens (Suhrkamp, 2019) and Economia Fondamentale (Einaudi, 2019). They are practically engaged in developing more relevant and participative economic and social policies in Wales which is the focus of current research such as the Morriston report on How an Ordinary Place Works,
More about Karel Williams and Julie Froud