Bartlett Morphology Group - Special Morphological Seminar
16 April 2019, 2:00 pm–5:30 pm
This is a special morphological seminar featuring latest 'breaking' research from speakers who are Bartlett doctoral researchers. Each presentation will be 20 minutes, followed by up to 20 minutes for discussion.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Stephen Marshall
Jevons RoomCentral House14 Upper Woburn PlaceLondonWC1H 0NNUnited Kingdom
2.00 Welcome: Stephen Marshall, The Bartlett School of Planning
2.05 Colouring London: Developing open, spatial knowledge transfer platforms, relating to the building stock
Polly Hudson, CASA (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
2.45 Urban form (building type, street type and interface type) in Taipei
Feng-Shu Chang, BSP (Bartlett School of Planning)
3.35 Block-to-Street Relationships in the Irish Town
Derry O'Connell, BSP (Bartlett School of Planning)
4.15 Housing growth and its impact on built density and space consumption
Fani Kostourou, BSA (Bartlett School of Architecture)
5pm Closing round table discussion and refreshments
This event is an informal reconvening of the Bartlett Morphology Group, a cross-faculty network for research students and staff at the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment.