Urban Design Summer School
14 September 2017–17 September 2017, 9:00 am–6:00 pm

Place Alliance is excited to announce its second Urban Design Summer School taking place from Thursday 14 till Saturday 16 of September 2017 in the newly refurbished Bartlett School of Architecture at 22 Gordon Street.
Event Information
Open to
- All
Valentina Giordano
22 Gordon Street London WC1H 0QB
The programme will focus on skills development within local planning authorities and other public sector bodies – highways authorities, the HCA, government departments, etc. – although the summer school would also be open to postgraduate students and to other professionals wishing to up their skills levels or simply hear about the latest thinking and practice in urban design.
Course overview / aims are:
- To introduce urban design core principles and process
- To take participants systematically through the stages of site investigation, visioning and coding
- To introduce basic skills in communicating urban design
- To inspire participants with the latest thinking and practice in urban design
Each day a Masterclass will focus on a different stage of the design process, looking at the issues at different scales:
- DAY ONE: Thursday, 14 September – “Understanding Place” – URBED
- DAY TWO: Friday, 16 September – “Vision for Place” – Tibbalds
- DAY THREE: Saturday, 17 September – “Place-making through Form-based Code”, studio REAL
Other activities include:
- City walk (Elephant Park redevelopment)
- Design Project (related to the Design Masterclasses)
- Site Visit (Olympic Park)
- Design Group Work
- Urban Design "toolshop" (quick tips and tricks session to pick up specific urban design skills based on their particular needs and interests. Topics focus on skills related to analysis, design, presentation and delivery.)
You can read the Summer School Diary 2016 and access last year’s documents and presentations here.
On-line bookings are now open via the UCL On-line Store.
The deadline for registration is Monday 10th September 2017, and it is based on a first come first served basis. Once you enrol on the UCL Online shop page and pay the fee you are automatically registered.
The course isn’t assessed, but you will receive a certificate of participation for CPD purposes.
We look forward to seeing you in September!