
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage


Historical visitor photographs of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs to inform conservation monitoring efforts

17 March 2021

Whilst we are still unable to go out and meet others, the Dinosaur Monitor project is encouraging us to dig out pictures of our past adventures hunting the dinosaurs in Crystal Palace Park.

visitor photograph of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Monitor is an exciting new project being launched in 2021 by the Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs that will use historical visitor photographs of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs to inform conservation monitoring efforts.

The Crystal Palace Dinosaurs and the accompanying Geological Illustrations have been in place for over 165 years and have experienced changes in condition, colour and surrounding vegetation.

Unfortunately, the site’s history has not always been well documented, but this information is vital for informing conservation efforts and preventing further damage.

The project aims to collect as many images as possible from the last 100 years to help with the ongoing conservation work. We need to see what changes happened in the past, and how they weathered through time.

The sculptures were added to the Historic England ‘Heritage at Risk’ register in February 2020. The internationally famous sculptures and landscapes are Grade 1-listed, and among the UK’s most important historical sites.

The project is part of the Monument Monitor project, created by Rosie Brigham, which aims to use visitors' photographs to help with the conservation of heritage sites.

Submit photos, with information on when they were taken, via Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #DinosaurMonitor, or email them to photos@cpdinosaurs.org.
