
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage


Bartlett Professor gives oral evidence to the House of Lords 

6 March 2012

May Cassar, Director of both the Centre for Sustainable Heritage at the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, and the AHRC/EPSRC Science Heritage Programme, last week gave oral evidence to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee.

The Committee revisited its Inquiry on Science and Heritage carried out in 2005-06, and the implementation of the recommendations made in the subsequent report.  Prof Cassar was Special Adviser to the original Inquiry, which she referred to in her recent oral evidence as “a watershed in the development of heritage science in the UK”.  Listen to Prof Cassar’s evidence on the UK Parliament website (14:57 onwards).

In 2005-06, the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology held an Inquiry on Science and Heritage.  Its Report made a number of recommendations including the need for a dedicated stream of research funding for heritage science and that the sector should develop a National Strategy for heritage science.  The report can be found on the UK Parliament website.