
UCL Energy Institute


PACE Publications

This page lists publications by PACE Group members from the past several years.


Johnson, C. (2019) ‘Anthropology and Energy Policy’ in Chaplin, J. Pollitt, M., Reiner, D., Warde, P., Ozawa, M. (eds) In Search of Good Energy Policy (pp69-75) Cambridge, CUP

Earl, J., Fell, M.J. (2019). Electric vehicle manufacturers’ perceptions of the market potential for demand-side flexibility using electric vehicles in the United Kingdom. Energy Policy 129, 646–652. 

Fell, M.J., Pye, S., Hamilton, I. (2019). Capturing the distributional impacts of long-term low-carbon transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 

Powells, G., Fell, M.J. (2019). Flexibility Capital and Flexibility Justice in Smart Energy Systems. Energy Research & Social Science. Preprint available at https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/3nja6

Toporek, M.; Campos, I. (2019). Assessment of existing EU-wide and Member State-specific regulatory and policy frameworks of RES Prosumers. PROSEU - Prosumers for the Energy Union: Mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition (Deliverable N°3.1)


Fell, M. J. (2018). The Radio Teleswitch: An historical perspective on the roll-out of domestic load control. 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN DOMESTIC APPLIANCES AND LIGHTING (EEDAL).

Hanmer, C., Shipworth, M., Shipworth, D., Carter, E. (2018). How household thermal routines shape UK home heating demand patterns. Energy Efficiency 1–13.

Huebner, G.M., Hamilton, I., Chalabi, Z., Shipworth, D., Oreszczyn, T. (2018). Comparison of indoor temperatures of homes with recommended temperatures and effects of disability and age: an observational, cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 8, e021085. 

Johnson, C. (2018). The moral economy of comfortable living: Negotiating individualism and collectivism through housing in Belgrade, Critique of Anthropology 38 (2).

Lowe, R.J., Huebner, G.M., Oreszczyn, T. (2018). Possible future impacts of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 on human cognitive performance and on the design and operation of ventilation systems in buildings. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 39, 698–711. 

Nicolson, M.L., Fell, M.J., Huebner, G.M., 2018. Consumer demand for time of use electricity tariffs: A systematized review of the empirical evidence. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 97, 276–289.

Schweiker, M., Huebner, G.M., Kingma, B.R.M., Kramer, R., Pallubinsky, H. (2018). Drivers of diversity in human thermal perception – A review for holistic comfort models. Temperature 5, 308–342. 

Shipworth, D., Fell, M. J., & Elam, S. (2018). Response to “Vulnerability and resistance in the United Kingdom's smart meter transition”. Energy Policy.

Sweetnam, T., Fell, M., Oikonomou, E., Oreszczyn, T., 2018. Domestic demand-side response with heat pumps: controls and tariffs. Building Research & Information 0, 1–18.


Fell, M.J., Kennard, H., Huebner, G.M., Nicolson, M., Elam, S., Shipworth, D. (2017). Energising Health: A review of the health and care applications of smart meter data (Report to Smart Energy GB). London, UK.

Fell, M.J. (2017). Energy services: A conceptual review. Energy Research & Social Science 27, 129–140.

Fell, M. J., & Shipworth, D. (2017). Behaviour, Practice – Whatever? A theory-agnostic framework for describing and informing demand-side response. ECEEE Summer Study 2017 Proceedings.

Hamilton, I. G., O'Sullivan, A., Huebner, G., Oreszczyn, T., Shipworth, D., Summerfield, A., & Davies, M. (2017). Old and cold? Findings on the determinants of indoor temperatures in English dwellings during cold conditions. Energy and Buildings.

Hanmer, C., Shipworth, D., Shipworth, M., Carter,E.  Household thermal routines and their impact on space heating demand patterns. ECEEE Summer Study 2017 Proceedings.

Hledik R., Gorman W., Irwin N., Fell M.J., Huebner G.M., Nicolson M. (2017). The Value of TOU Tariffs in Great Britain: Insights for Decision-makers (Report to Citizens Advice). London, UK.

Huebner GM, Fell M, Nicolson M, Shipworth D, Elam S, Hanmer C, Kennard H, Johnson C (2017). Are we heading towards a replicability crisis in energy efficiency research? A toolkit for improving the quality, transparency and replicability of energy efficiency impact evaluations. ECEEE Summer Study 2017.

Huebner, G. M., & Shipworth, D. (2017). All about size? – The potential of downsizing in reducing energy demand. Applied Energy, 186, 226-233.

Nicolson, M; Huebner, GM; Shipworth, D; Elam, S (2017) Tailored emails prompt electric vehicle owners to engage with tariff switching information. Nature Energy , 2 , Article 17073.

Nicolson, M., Huebner, G., & Shipworth, D. (2017). Are consumers willing to switch to smart time of use electricity tariffs? The importance of loss-aversion and electric vehicle ownership. Energy Research & Social Science, 23, 82-96.

Schneiders, A. (2017). Residential Prosumers in the European Energy Union: Mapping the legal and regulatory framework in the 28 Member States, Iceland and Norway – The Netherlands. Accompanying document to the Third Report on the State of the Energy Union, European Commission (Milieu Ltd.).


Elam, S. M. D. (2016). Smart Meter Data and Public Interest Issues – The National Perspective. UK: Teddinet.

Fell, M. (2016). Taking charge: perceived control and acceptability of domestic demand-side response (Doctoral dissertation). UCL (University College London).

Huebner, G.; Shipworth, D.; Hamilton, I.; Chalabi, Z.; Oreszczyn, T. (2016) Understanding electricity consumption: A comparative contribution of building factors, socio-demographics, appliances, behaviours and attitudes, Applied Energy, Volume 177, 1 September 2016, Pages 692-702.

Huebner, G. M., D. T. Shipworth, S. Gauthier, C. Witzel, P. Raynham and W. Chan (2016). Saving energy with light? Experimental studies assessing the impact of colour temperature on thermal comfort. Energy Research & Social Science 15: 45-57.  

Huebner, G., Shipworth, D., Hamilton, I., & Oreszczyn, T. (2016). Too hot, too cold? An analysis of factors associated with thermal comfort in English homes. In Proceedings of 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, 143-155. Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings.

Johnson, C. E. (2016). District heating as heterotopia: Tracing the social contract through domestic energy infrastructure in Pimlico, London. Economic Anthropology, 3 (1), 94-105.

Shipworth, D., Huebner, G., Schweiker, M., & Kingma, B. (2016). Diversity in Thermal Sensation: drivers of variance and methodological artefacts. Proceedings of 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, 56-72. Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings.


Fell, M., Nicolson, M., Huebner, G. M., & Shipworth, D. (2015). Is it time? Consumers and time of use tariffs. London, UK: UCL Energy Institute.

Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Huebner, G. M., & Elwell, C. A. (2015). Public acceptability of domestic demand-side response in Great Britain: The role of automation and direct load control. Energy Research and Social Science, 9, 72-84.

Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Huebner, G. M., & Elwell, C. A. (2015). Knowing me, knowing you: the role of trust, locus of control and privacy concern in acceptance of domestic electricity demand-side response. ECEEE Summer Study 2015 Proceedings.

Huebner, G.M., McMichael, M., Shipworth, D., Shipworth, M., Durand-Daubin, M., Summerfield, A.J. (2015). The shape of warmth: temperature profiles in living rooms. Building Research & Information 43, 185–196.