GBStressFree online experiment is a UCL Grand Challenges project on the emotions, attitudes, perceptions and reactions of individuals while navigating in urban environments.

29 September 2020
This is a research project on the emotions, attitudes, perceptions and reactions of individuals while navigating in urban environments. This project analyses the effects that built environment characteristics have on individuals navigating in urban environments. This research should help create guidelines on how to enhance the liveability of our cities. You will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself and your travel habits. Then you will be asked to download a small video game, where you will be asked to walk from one place to another, minding the (virtual) surroundings. When approaching some pre-defined locations in the virtual city, we will ask you some questions about your experience.
- Impact, Influence & Outreach
This research will help communities better understand what are the factors that contribute to choice of routes and the influence of surroundings, so that guidelines can be created.
- People
Manos (Emmanouil) Chaniotakis ( is the Principal investigator of this project. Manos is a Lecturer in Transport Modelling and Machine Learning. The project is built as a cooperation between different institutes in UCL. Researchers involved are: Eirini Flouri (, Professor of Developmental Psychology, Ana Basiri (, Lecturer on Geospatial Data Science and Marie Mueller ( PhD student at UCL.
Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash