We're Hiring: Research Associate in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading
20 September 2017

The UCL Energy Institute (http://www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/energy) is a multidisciplinary school within the Bartlett Faculty, with around 70 faculty and staff and 60 PhD students. It brings together multidisciplinary teams, providing critical mass and capacity for large projects. In particular, the UCL Energy Institute develops and undertakes research in the areas of energy-demand reduction and energy systems, to improve energy security and facilitate a transition to a low-carbon economy. The UCL Energy Institute's core research focuses on six main areas: buildings, energy systems, people and energy, policy and law, smart energy and transport.
We are seeking a Research Associate to work within the PACE research group on our expanding portfolio of projects in the area of community self-consumption and peer-to-peer energy trading (also known as transactive energy). We have received funding through the PETRAS Hub and supported by the Lloyds Register Foundation for a project entitled: ‘The Internet of Energy Things: Supporting peer-to-peer energy trading and demand side management through block chains. (P2P-IoET)’.
This is a 12-month post in the first instance with the possibility of extension through related funding.
The ideal applicant should have good knowledge of, and ideally experience in, the energy industry–particularly in relation to areas of aggregation, balancing and settlement, and demand side response services. They should ideally also have knowledge of the potential role and application of peer-to-peer/community self-consumption/transactive energy models as applicable to the global, European, and ideally Great British context. Knowledge of the potential application of distributed ledger technologies in the energy area is also strongly desirable, or at a minimum as demonstrable interest in learning about, and engaging with this field. Technical expertise in coding block chains and smart contracts, and electrical and electronic engineering is desirable but not essential.
If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact: bseer-recruitment@ucl.ac.uk.
If you wish to discuss this appointment informally, please contact Prof. David Shipworth d.shipworth@ucl.ac.uk
Closing Date: 8 October 2017.
Latest time for the submission of applications: 23:59.
Interview Date: Week Beginning 16 October.
Apply online here.