Shipping in Changing Climates conference to gather industry experts and academia in London
26 June 2017
Shipping in Changing Climates international conference in association with Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST) to gather industry experts and academia in London

Timetabled to take place on the 4th and 5th September 2017, a week before the London International Shipping Week 2017, the Shipping in Changing Climates consortium’s fourth international conference in association with Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST), will present new research from academia and industry on the latest perspectives on shipping efficiency and emissions. Shipping in Changing Climates invites full papers, extended abstracts or presentations from both industry and academia in the following areas (but not limited to):
Modelling and analysis of the shipping system:
- Frameworks for analysing the dynamics & evolution of the shipping system
- Scenario analysis for future emissions from the shipping industry
- Analysis of the technical and operational energy efficiency of shipping
- Evaluating regulatory impacts on the shipping industry
- Policies for accelerating a transition to a low carbon shipping system
- Finance, investment appraisal and removal of market barriers
Trade and transport demand
- Trade demand and scenarios for future demand
- Analysis of trade and shipping demand
- Impacts of climate change on the shipping system
- Economics of trade in a changing climate
- Non-economic drivers of demand for shipping
Technologies & Operations:
- Energy efficiency technologies for design and retrofits
- Alternative fuels (e.g. LNG, hydrogen) and their life cycle impacts
- Renewable energy sources for shipping (e.g. wind, solar)
- Reducing emissions through novel ship operation & voyage optimisation
- Maintenance for energy efficiency
- Crew training and skill enhancement for energy efficiency and emissions
- Onboard monitoring and energy management
Logistics and supply chain:
- Logistics optimisation
- Decarbonising the supply chain
- The role of ports in low carbon shipping
To submit your abstracts, of 250 words maximum including paper or presentation title, authors, affiliations and correspondence to Dr Nishatabbas Rehmatulla
Regular updates on the conference can be found on
The SCC consortium will also be holding a separate event on 11th September, during the London International Shipping Week 2017, where high level outputs from the four year £4m project will be presented to the industry. For more information visit:
About Shipping in Changing Climates
Shipping in Changing Climates (SCC) is a £4m multi-university and cross-industry research project funded for 3.5 years by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The SCC project uses a whole systems approach to understand the scope for greater energy efficiency of the supply side, understand the demand side drivers and to understand the supply and demand interactions and potential future evolution in shipping. For more information visit