Welcome to the UCL-Energy 2015/2016 Winter Newsletter
21 January 2016
A lot has happened for the UCL Energy Institute since my last Director’s introduction.

Since June 2015, we have seen five UCL-Energy PhD students successfully pass their vivas, the publication of our first annual review and 13 new members of staff. But the dominating focus for UCL-Energy in the past months was the historic COP21 conference and resulting Paris Agreement.
In the lead up to COP21 UCL-Energy held two sold out events focusing on the challenges of climate change and the role of energy: 'UCL-Energy Seminar: 'The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP): Can country-led decarbonisation efforts help achieve a 2⁰C pathway?'' and 'UCL, UKERC & the French Embassy present: ‘Global Energy, Global Climate’'.
During the conference, UCL-Energy Reader in Energy and Shipping Dr Tristan Smith participated in the only COP21 side event focusing on shipping: The Path for Low Carbon Shipping. A number of UCL staff and students contributed posts focusing on COP21 to the UCL-Energy blog and wrote articles for both national and international media outlets. Read my recent blog expanding on my December COP21 reaction here.
As 2016 gets underway we will no doubt continue to look forward to what effects the Paris Agreement may have on the future of energy. With UCL-Energy continuing to grow I feel confident in our ability to meet any challenges ahead.
Best wishes,
UCL-Energy Director
Bob Lowe