
UCL Energy Institute


UCL researchers provide evidence on potential benefits that energy efficiency has on health

16 September 2014

A recent IEA report ‘Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency’ has gathered together evidence on the multiple benefits of undertaking actions to improve energy efficiency.


Multiple benefits of energy efficiency expands the perspective beyond reducing energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions to include the many other potential benefits that are accrued to a wide number of stakeholders.  Multiple potential benefits of energy efficiency can also include energy security, improved delivery, improved asset values, improved local air pollution, alleviating poverty and greater disposable income, and improved health and well-being, amongst others.

Mike Davies, Professor and Director of the UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering and Ian Hamilton, Lecturer at the UCL Energy Institute, working with colleagues at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, provided evidence for the report on the potential benefits that energy efficiency have on health using their health impact of energy efficiency model  a tool that has been built for research and to assist the Dept. of Energy and Climate change to evaluate energy efficiency policy.

The report is available from IEA