CIBSE|RIBA to launch enhanced CarbonBuzz platform
3 June 2013
There is growing evidence that current legislation is not achieving the expected reductions in the actual energy use of buildings and, if anything, can have significant unintended consequences. Large portfolio holders in particular are taking notice of commercial risks associated with new ‘low carbon’ buildings and refurbishments falling short of performance expectations.
The issue of the performance gap is so fundamental that the RIBA Sustainable Futures Group and CIBSE Benchmarking and Energy Performance Groups campaign for the ‘disclosure’ of data and targeting measured energy use vs more legislation on relative improvements. The professional bodies want their members to share lessons learned from monitoring completed projects via the RIBA|CIBSE crowdsourcing platform CarbonBuzz. The UCL Energy Institute is a partner in the CarbonBuzz development and will be taking the lead on promoting the use of the platform over the coming 12 months.
The launch of the new enhanced CarbonBuzz energy benchmarking platform will take place on June 6, 2013 at City Hall, London.