MaaSLab Guest Lecture Series
25 May 2021–29 June 2021, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

UCL Energy Institute's Mobility-as-a-Service Lab (MaaSLab) welcome you to join their guest lecture series exploring cutting-edge research in the field.
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
The MaaSLab is an enthusiastic multidisciplinary research team at UCL Energy Institute that keeps at the forefront of the ever-changing transport sector. MaaSLab’s research focuses on new mobility technologies for passenger and freight, such as autonomous vehicles and drones, new mobility concepts, such as Mobility as a Service and Urban Air Mobility, and their integration with the existing transport systems (multimodality).
From April to June 2021 MaaSlab will be hosting a series of guest lectures and welcome all to join and discover more about Mobility as a Service.
Details and booking
MaaS – The Sydney Trial – synthesis and Lessons Learnt
Prof. David Henser | May 25 2021, 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
During 2019 to mid-2020, we undertook a MaaS trial in Sydney to get a better appreciation of all the elements that need careful attention in bringing MaaS into an operational setting. The Sydney MaaS trial as it is now known, is one of the first trials worldwide with transparent reported quantitative and qualitative evidence on MaaS bundle uptake and induced changes in travel behaviour. In this talk David provides an overview of the design of the trial, setting out the trial set-up with a tripartite structure (broker, app developer, university) as a blueprint for trials as well as a synthesis of the main contributions and lessons learnt for future MaaS trials. Partners in the trial are IAG (Insurance Australia Group) and SkedGo under the umbrella of a research project funded to the University of Sydney Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) through the iMOVE CRC.
Managing congestion with Tradable Mobility Credits
Dr Carlos Lima Azevedo | June 29 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 GMT
Tradable mobility credit (TMC) schemes are an approach to travel demand management that have received significant attention in the transportation domain in recent years as a promising means to mitigate the adverse environmental, economic and social effects of urban traffic congestion. In TMC schemes, a regulator provides an initial endowment of mobility credits (or tokens) to all potential travelers. In order to use the transportation system, travelers need to spend a certain amount of tokens (tariff) that could vary with their choice of mode, route, departure time etc. The tokens can be bought and sold in a market that is managed and operated by a regulator at a price dynamically determined by the demand and supply of tokens. In this lecture, we will go over some of the key concepts of TMC and briefly discuss a theoretical study on the efficiency and effectiveness of area-based TMC using the trip-based Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram model for the morning commute problem.
Past Events:
Applying the HARMONY Tactical freight simulator to a case study for zero-emissions zone in Rotterdam
Dr Michiel De Bok | March 30 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 GMT
Activity-based Models for Travel Demand Forecasting
Prof Kostas Goulias | April 27 2021, 16:00 - 17:00 GMT