UCL-Energy seminar: 'Public attitudes to the UK's energy challenges. What are we as individuals willing to do?', Edward Langley & Antonia Dickman, Ipsos MORI
15 October 2013, 5:30 pm

Event Information
Main Lecture Theatre, B01, Bentham House
The UK faces significant challenges if it is to provide affordable energy and tackle fuel poverty while at the same time meeting ambitious legally binding emission reduction targets. The answer is likely to lie in both adapting the way we generate and supply our energy needs, but also reducing our demand both at an industrial and domestic level. Edward Langley and Antonia Dickman from Ipsos MORI's Environment Research Team will discuss what the public consider to be the priorities for policy makers and industry including levels of support for nuclear and renewables. However, as buildings account for 38 per cent of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions it is also critical that individual householders contribute to overcoming these challenges. Edward and Antonia will also discuss how willing individual homeowners are to take action, including how likely they are to take-up renewable heating systems or to use smart meters.
About the speakers:
Langley is Head of the Environment Research team in Ipsos MORI’s Social
Research Institute. He has 15 years of experience in the research
industry. In particular, Edward has considerable experience researching
the motivations and levers around energy behaviours. He has directed
high profile evaluations into key interventions such as the Carbon
Emissions Reduction Target (CERT), the Community Energy Savings
Programme (CESP), the Low Carbon Buildings Programme (LCBP), smart
meters as well as research around cheaper tariff information, real time
displays and the Green Deal. In addition, Edward has also undertaken
research with businesses on their attitudes to energy management and
smart meters, as well as research into the Carbon Reduction Commitment.
Edward is an experienced presenter having delivered summaries of Ipsos
MORI’s research findings to senior ministers and Secretaries of State.
He has spoken at a number of conferences on the public's engagement with
energy efficiency including the Green Deal Forum (2012) and the
Westminster Energy, Environment and Transport Forum.
Dickman is an Associate Director in Ipsos MORI’s Social Research
Institute. Antonia has been working in Ipsos MORI’s specialist
Environment Research Team for the past six years and has focused on
studying public attitudes to energy and climate change. Antonia has
directed many quantitative and qualitative studies investigating public
interest in energy efficiency, smart metering, renewable heating,
different forms of energy generation and climate change adaptation.
These studies have captured public attitudes and well as willingness to
take action and the barriers and enablers to encouraging behaviour
change. Antonia has conducted research for many clients in this sector
including the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Department
for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Met Office, the Environment
Agency, Energy UK and the European Commission Directorate-General for
Energy. Prior to joining Ipsos MORI Antonia achieved a first class MSci
degree in Geography at the University of Bristol.