
UCL Energy Institute


Charlie Morris-Marsham

Thesis title: Visualising home energy use: can the provision of thermal images affect householders’ mental models of home energy use and influence levels of consumption?

I am interested in how consumers understand and relate to domestic energy use and how, through behavioural insights, government policy can reduce the perceived barriers to, and increase the perceived rewards of, energy efficiency. My PhD will use behavioural theories to explore householder responses to thermal imagery.

Previously I have done research into whether renewable energy installations affect the price and saleability of domestic properties.

My last research project involved developing a tool to explore to what extent energy service companies might be able to deliver energy efficiency in the domestic sector.


I graduated from Manchester University with a degree in Economics, Government and Political Theory and started my career as an Environmental Consultant at Enviros Consulting. I have subsequently worked on domestic energy efficiency projects at an Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre and on climate change adaptation and sustainability projects in local government.

While working at Oxfordshire County Council I performed the pilot Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCLIP) to investigate the council’s vulnerability to weather events.

 At Oxford City Council I was involved in projects to reduce internal energy use including a staff carbon champion network and projects to reduce the city’s per capita carbon emissions including Oxford is My World: www.oxfordismyworld.org.uk

In 2010 I completed an MSc in Environmental Design and Engineering at the UCL Bartlett Centre for Graduate Studies and since then have been a research student at the London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Research in Energy Demand: www.lolo.ac.uk 

Publications and other work

Morris-Marsham, C., 22nd June 2011, Energy Bill Memorandum submitted by Charlie Morris-Marsham (EN 36), Available at: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmpublic/energy/writev/m36.htm

This publication is a submission of written evidence to the Energy Bill Committee indicating the provisional findings of my research into domestic energy service companies and making recommendations for Green Deal provision.

Morris-Marsham, C., 2010. Do solar PV and solar thermal installations affect the price and saleability of domestic properties in Oxford.

This publication is my MSc dissertation report, published on the Oxford City Council website.