Climate Finance and Carbon Markets
Setting this open platform for promoting collaboration in climate investment and finance aims to enable high quality research and debates, while helping society to achieve ecological civilisation development goals.
CIFE is dedicated to improving the efficiency and the transparency of climate finance and establishing the capacity for climate change related to infrastructure management and investment.
CIFP will deliver the following activities at the early stage:
- Launch executive education courses related to infrastructure management and climate finance (IMCF), with a focus on China
- Promote high quality researches in addressing contemporary issues in climate investment and finance
- Critically review the effectiveness of current green finance and climate investment and finance standards, and provide independent research for investors and policymakers
- In collaboration with China Emission Accounts and Datasets (CEADs) programme to support national, sub-national and city level carbon accounting and auditing
- Develop novel business models and professional techno-economic analysis for emerging low carbon technologies (such as CCS, green hydrogen and green building) to support the transition to net zero carbon goal
- Be fully open to other academic, research institutes and industry partners to join the platform and share knowledge
- Partner Institutes
- The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, University College London (Professor D’Maris Coffman and Professor Dabo Guan).
- School of Environment and Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University (Professor Can Wang and Professor Dabo Guan)
- Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University (Professor Wei Pan)
- University of Edinburgh Business School (Dr Liang Xi, Dr Dong Yizhe, Qianguo Lin)
- Climate Investment and Finance Association (CIFA), Chinese Society for Environment Science
- UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre
- China Emission Accounts and Datasets (CEADs) research programme (
- Reduce Carbon Limited, China Resources Power Group
- Publications
Guo, J., F. Gu, Y. Liu, X. Liang, J. Mo and Y. Fan (2020). "Assessing the impact of ETS trading profit on emission abatements based on firm-level transactions." Nature Communications 11(1): 2078.
Wang, C., D. Guan and W. Cai (2019). "Grand Challenges Cannot Be Treated in Isolation." One Earth 1(1): 24-26.
Figueres, C., C. Le Quéré, A. Mahindra, O. Bäte, G. Whiteman, G. Peters, D. Guan (2018) “Emissions are still rising: ramp up the cuts”. Nature, 564, 27-30
Mi., Z., J. Meng, F. Green, D. Coffman, D. Guan (2018) “China’s Exported Carbon Peak: Patterns, Drivers, and Implications”. Geophysical Research Letters 45(9), 4309-4318
Guan, D., J. Meng, D. M. Reiner, N. Zhang, Y. Shan, Z. Mi, S. Shao, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang, S. J. Davis (2018) “Structural decline in China’s CO2 emissions through transitions in industry and energy systems”. Nature Geoscience. 11, 551-555
Andrew Lockley and D’Maris Coffman (2018). “Carbon Dioxide Removal and Tradeable Put Options at Scale.” Environmental Research Letters. 13:5 (2018) 054034. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aabe96
D’Maris Coffman and Andrew Lockley (2017). “Carbon Dioxide Removal and the futures market.” Environmental Research Letters 12:1 (2017) 015003. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa54e8.
Andrew Lockley, Zhifu Mi, and D’Maris Coffman. (2019). “Geoengineering and the blockchain: coordinating CDR & SRM to tackle future emissions?” Frontiers of Engineering Management in Special Issue on ‘Low Carbon Management.’ DOI: 10.15302/10.1007/s42524-019-0010-y
- Funding support
The virtual platform is supported by The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, UCL.
We are open to collaborate and discuss the funding opportunities with all potential partners.