
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


CONA and TfL collaborate through Knowledge Transfer Partnership

3 October 2013

UCL’s Centre for Organisational Network Analysis (CONA) has secured over £150,000 in funding to undertake a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Transport for London (TfL).


CONA, led by Dr Stephen Pryke from The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, is an interdisciplinary centre for training, research, knowledge transfer and consultancy focused on the use of Organisational Network Analysis.

The purpose of the KTP between CONA and TfL is to enhance TfL’s knowledge in the design, implementation and evaluation of collaborative teams through the application of Organisational Network Analysis. In return, the partnership will offer the opportunity for CONA to gain greater insight into the operation of project systems within major infrastructure projects. It will provide unique case study material for research workshops, high quality conferences papers and journal articles. 

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, part funded by the Technology Strategy Board, support UK businesses wanting to improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance by accessing the knowledge and expertise available within UCL.