Value drivers of modularisation extent.
Research supervisors: Dr Grant Mills and Dr Selcuk Cidik.
As many studies have shown, the shift toward modularisation has demonstrated its substantial benefits over the traditional approach in the construction industry because it significantly accelerates the efficiency of overall project and decreases construction cost by producing factory-made elements in a highly quality controlled environment. However, it is uncertain whether the projects’ value could be increased with modularisation. For instance, to some extent, a higher degree of modular production restricts building’s flexibility and hinders innovativeness.
The aims of this research are to evaluate strategies of varying degrees of modularisation, and identify whether projects’ value could be developed by increasing the complexity and the extent of modularisation. Rather than maximising modularisation, this study is focusing on optimising modularisation of construction projects, determining to what extent of modularisation would be an optimal choice and ultimately achieve the maximum value of modularisation for particular types of projects. Theoretical contributions and practical implications will be applied through undertaking a mixed method approach.