Publishing in high-impact journals with the editor of Nature Communications
05 March 2024, 10:00 am–11:00 am
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction (BSSC) is pleased to host Dr. Charles Axelsson, Associate Editor of Nature Communications to give a talk at UCL on publishing in high-impact journals.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- £0.00
Jing Meng
Room 203a Rayne Building5 University St,LondonWC1E 6JF
Dr. Charles Axelsson will present on what are the primary criteria and distinguishing factors that the Nature editorial team looks for when evaluating a manuscript for potential publication, and how can we best align our research and manuscript preparation to meet these standards.
This talk will elicit detailed guidance on preparing research for high-impact publication, understanding the journal's expectations, and strategic advice on navigating the competitive submission process.
Following his talk, Dr Axelsson would be happy to engage with participants through one-on-one meetings. If you wish to discuss your research with him, please contact Prof. Jing Meng via, including introducing yourself and your research interest by Friday 01 March 2024.
About the Speaker
Dr. Charles Axelsson
Associate Editor at Nature Communications
Charles Axelsson is the Editor of Nature Communications since January 2023. He handles quantitative and qualitative environmental social science with a focus on urban systems, transportation, economics and policy, water and flooding, and disaster responses. Axelsson has a BSc in Geography, an MSc in Environmental Technology, and a PhD in the Science and Management of Climate Change from Universita Ca’ Foscari Venezia’s Department of Economics. His doctoral research was on urban policy adaptations to flooding under climate change, where he assessed policies and stakeholder participation. He is also an advisory editor for npj Urban Sustainability and npj Natural Hazards. He is based in the New York office.