
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


UCL and IPMA announce Andy Mitchell at The Megaproject CEO Global Keynotes

01 December 2021, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm


Join us on the 1st of December for the IPMA-UCL The Megaproject CEO – with Andy Mitchell, CEO of Thames Tideway Tunnel

This event is free.

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Dr Juliano Denicol

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction (UCL) and The International Project Management Association (IPMA) announce the next global keynote of The IPMA-UCL Megaproject CEO series. Coordinated by UCL’s Dr. Juliano Denicol, Global Head of the IPMA Megaprojects SIG, the IPMA-UCL Megaproject CEO invites a stellar group of leaders that are at the forefront of megaproject delivery practices. The Megaproject CEO builds upon the growing interest in leadership practices and recent research that recommends an emphasis on building and leading collaborations to advance our understanding of megaproject delivery. 

Dr Juliano Denicol, IPMA Global Head Megaprojects SIG comments: "It is our pleasure to receive Andy Mitchell CBE from Tideway for his Global Keynote in our IPMA-UCL The Megaproject CEO Series. Tideway is building London's Super Sewer, a 25km Tunnel under the River Thames to intercept and prevent millions of tonnes of sewage entering the river each year. The Super Sewer will transform London's relationship with the River Thames, increase biodiversity, create thousands of jobs, and leave a sustainable legacy for London."

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