
The Bartlett School of Architecture


2007 publications

Friedrich, E; Hanna, S; Derix, C; (2007) Emergent Form from Structural Optimisation of the Voronoi Polyhedra Structure. In: (Proceedings) GA2007: 10th Generative Art International Conference. (pp. ? - ?). Generative Art International Conference: Milan, Italy.
Bichard, J; Hanson, J; (2007) Who Put the P in Policy? The reality of guidelines and legislation in the design of the accessible toilet. In: (Proceedings) INCLUDE 2007, Designing with People. : RCA London.
Briones, C.; Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Mottram, C.; (2007) LEDs Urban Carpet, una instalación interactiva para sociabilizar en el espacio público. Presented at: SIGraDi 2007 - the 11th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, México D.F., México .
Briones, C.; Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Mottram, C; (2007) A socializing interactive installation for the urban environments. Presented at: IADIS Applied Computing International Conference 2007, Salamanca, Spain.
de Vallejo, IL; Hailes, S; Conroy-Dalton, R; Penn, A; (2007) The Introduction of Location Technologies into an Office Environment: the Nationwide Case Study. In: The Internet of Things: from RFID to Pervasive Networked Systems. Auerbach Publications, CRC Press
Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Briones, C.; Mottram, C.; (2007) A sense of place and pervasive computing within the urban landscape. Presented at: In Space Syntax 6th International Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Kostakos, V.; (2007) Exploring digital encounters in the city. Presented at: The 25th International Conference on Computer & Human Interactions CHI 2007, San Jose, USA.
Fatah gen. Schieck, A.; Mottram, C.; (2007) Collective choreography of space: modelling digital co-Presence in a public arena. In: Luz, A. and Lasker, G.E., (eds.) Systems research in the arts and humanities : on choreographies in music, visual and perfomative arts, and environmental design : readings, processes, (op)positions and crossings on compositions, structures and patterns, design: duration, perception... (pp. pp. 59-63). International Institute for Advanced Studies/L'Institut International pour les Etudes Avancees: Tecumseh, Canada.
Griffiths, S; Vaughan, L; Haklay, M; Sahbaz, O; (2007) Sustainability as the success of a centre over time: the case of Greater London’s suburbs. In: Gurnell, A, (ed.) (Proceedings) RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2007.
Hanna , S.; (2007) Inductive machine learning of optimal modular structures: Estimating solutions using support vector machines. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing , 21 (1) pp. 351-366. 10.1017/S0890060407000327.
Hanna , S.; (2007) Representation and generation of plans using graph spectra. In: Kubat, A. S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y. I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) Proceedings, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 Jun 2007. (pp. 099.01-099.13). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey.
Hanna, S.; (2007) Defining implicit objective functions for design problems. In: GECCO '07: Genetic And Evolutionary Computation Conference. Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, London, England. July 07 - 11, 2007. (pp. pp. 2013-2020). ACM Press: New York, USA.
Hanna, S.; (2007) Representation and generation of plans using graph spectra. In: Kubat, A.S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y.I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 Jun 2007. (pp. 099.01-091.14). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey.
Hanna, S; (2007) Automated representation of style by feature space archetypes: distinguishing spatial styles from generative rules. International Journal of Architectural Computing , 5 (1) 2 - 23. 10.1260/147807707780913001.
Hanna, S; (2007) Defining Implicit Objective Functions for Design Problems. In: GECCO 2007: Genetic And Evolutionary Computation Conference, Vol 1 AND 2. (pp. 2013 - 2020). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
Hanna, S; (2007) Representation and generation of plans using graph spectra. In: Kubat, A and Ertekin, O and Guney, Y and Eyuboglu, E, (eds.) (Proceedings) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 Jun 2007. (pp. 099.01 - 091.14). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey.
Hanna, S; (2007) Representation and generation of plans using graph spectra. In: Kubat, A and Ertekin, O and Guney, Y and Eyuboglu, E, (eds.) Proceedings, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 Jun 2007. (pp. 099.01 - 099.13). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey.
Hanna, S; (2007) Teaching Parametric Design: Procedure before Form. In: EAAE Transactions in Architectural Education.
Hanson, J.; Bichard, J-A.; (2007) The design of sustainable and inclusive 'away-from-home' toilets in city centres. Presented at: Sustainability CITY - the Art of Urban Living, Manchester, UK.
Hanson, J.; Osipovic, D.; Hine, N.; Amaral, T.; Curry, R.; Barlow, J.; (2007) Lifestyle monitoring as a predictive tool in telecare. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare , 13 (1) pp. 26-28. 10.1258/135763307781645040.
Hanson, J.; Percival, J.; Aldred, H.; Brownsell, S.; Hawley, M.; (2007) Attitudes to telecare among older people, professional care workers and informal carers: a preventative strategy or crisis management? Universal Access in the Information Society , 6 (2) pp. 193-205. 10.1007/s10209-007-0075-y.
Hanson, J; (2007) Professional perspectives on re-modelling; architects, quantity surveyors, contractors and clients. In: (Proceedings) Re-modelling for extra care, Department of Health Care Services Improvement Partnership and Brighton & Hove City Council. : Hove Town Hall.
Hanson, J; (2007) Public Amenities in City Centres. In: (Proceedings) URBIS Conference. : Manchester.
Hanson, J; (2007) Remodelling sheltered housing and residential care: methodological challenges. Capturing daily life in retirement developments: methodological issues. In: (Proceedings) BSG. : Sheffield.
Hanson, J; (2007) The benefits and challenges of remodelling sheltered housing and residential care homes to extra care housing. Presented at: OPAN, The Extra Care – the Welsh Agenda?, Cardiff, Wales.
Hanson, J; Barrett, J; (2007) How research on telecare systems has helped older people to live independently. In: (Proceedings) Evidence for Excellence Seminar. : Swindon.
Hanson, J; Bichard, J; Greed, C; (2007) The Accessible Toilet Resource. UCL (University College London), UCL: London, UK.
Hanson, J; Conroy-Dalton, R; (2007) Feeling good and feeling safe in the landscape: a ‘syntactic’ approach. In: (Proceedings) Open Space - People Space: Innovative Approaches to Research Excellence in Landscape and Health. : Edinburgh.
Hanson, J; Osipovic, D; (2007) Making sense of sensors: interactions between older people and telecare devices within an extra care setting. In: (Proceedings) BSG. : Sheffield.
Hanson, J; Osipovic, D; Hine, N; Amaral, T; Curry, R; Barlow, J; (2007) Lifestyle monitoring as a predictive tool in telecare. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare , 13 (1) 26 - 28. 10.1258/135763307781645040.
Hanson, J; Percival, J; Aldred, H; Brownsell, S; Hawley, M; (2007) Attitudes to telecare among older people, professional care workers and informal carers: A preventative strategy or crisis management? Universal Access in the Information Society , 6 (2) 193 - 205. 10.1007/s10209-007-0075-y.
Hanson, J; The Syntax of Landscape. In: (Proceedings) Open Space People Space; innovative approaches to research excellence in landscape and health. : Edinburgh.
Hanson, J; Wojgani, H; (2007) Process of re-modelling and lessons learnt. In: (Proceedings) Re-modelling for extra care, Department of Health Care Services Improvement Partnership and Brighton & Hove City Council. : Hove Town Hall.
Hanson, J; Zako, R; (2007) Communities of Co-presence and Surveillance: how public open space shapes awareness and behaviour in residential developments. In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. : Istanbul.
Hillier, B.; (2007) What do we need to add to a social network to get a society? Answer: something like what we have to add to a spatial network to get a city. Presented at: COSIT07 Workshop on Social and Geographical Space, Melbourne, Australia.
Hillier, B.; Turner, A.; Yang, T.; Park, H.-T.; (2007) Metric and topo-geometric properties of urban street networks: some convergences, divergences, and new results. Presented at: 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hillier, B; (2007) Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture. Space Syntax: London, UK.
Hillier, B; (2007) Studying cities to learn about minds. In: Holscher, C and Conroy-Dalton, R and Turner, A, (eds.) Spatial Cognition. (pp. 11 - 31). Die Deutscher Bibliotek: Bremen.
Hillier, B; (2007) The golden age for cities ? how we design cities is how we understand them. Urban Design 100th Issue 16 - 19.
Hillier, B; (2007) The need for a human science of space. In: Duan, J and Hillier, B, (eds.) Urban space. (1 - 63). South East University, China: Nanjing.
Hillier, B; (2007) The problem of levels in complex systems: the instructive example of cities. In: (Proceedings) Mitteleuropa Conference on Levels of Reality, Bolzano, 2007.
Hillier, B; Sahbaz, O; (2007) Beyond hot spots; using space syntax to understand dispersed patterns of crime risk in the built environment. In: (Proceedings) Conference on crime analysis at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles, January 2007. : University of California at Los Angeles.
Hillier, B; Vaughan, L; (2007) The city as one thing. Progress in Planning , 67 (3) 205 - 230. 10.1016/j.progress.2007.03.001.
Iida, S (2007) Segmen: exploring disaggregated line network model. In: (Proceedings) Sixth Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.. ITU: Istanbul, Turkey.
Karimi, K; Amir, A; Shafiei, K; (2007) Evidence-based Spatial Intervention for Regeneration of Informal Settlements: the case of Jeddah Central Unplanned Areas. In: (Proceedings) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Kostakos, V; O'Neill, E; Penn, A; (2007) Brief encounter networks. CoRR , abs/0709.0223
Laviolette, P; Hanson, J; (2007) Home is where the heart stopped: Panopticism, chronic disease, and the domestication of assistive technology. Home Cultures , 4 (1) 149 - 20. 10.2752/174063107780129653.
Makhzoumi, J.; Zako, R.; (2007) The Beirut Dozen: traditional domestic garden as spatial and cultural mediator. In: Kubat, A.S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y.I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul 12-15 June 2007. ITU Faculty of Architectur: Istanbul, Turkey.
Mottram, C; Penn, A; (2007) Evolving Street Plans, from Shops and Shoppers. In: (Proceedings) 6th Space Syntax Symposium. : Istanbul, Turkey.
Ortiz-Chao, C.; Hillier, B.; (2007) In search of patterns of land-use in Mexico City using logistic regression at the plot level. In: Kubat, A.S. and Ertekin, O. and Guney, Y.I. and Eyuboglu, E., (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul 12-15 June 2007. ITU Faculty of Architectur: Istanbul, Turkey.
Penn, A; Hillier, B; (2007) Structure spatiale et innovation dans les laboratoires de recherche scientifique: le potentiel social des bâtiments. In: Evette, T and Lautier, F, (eds.) De l’atelier au territoire: le travail an quête d’espaces. (215 - 224). L'Harmattan: Paris, France.
Percival, J; Hanson, J; (2007) 'I don't want to live for the day any more': visually impaired people's access to support, housing and independence. British Journal of Visual Impairment , 25 (1) 51 - 67. 10.1177/0264619607071774.
Prosalidou, E; Hanna, S; (2007) A parametric representation of ruled surfaces. In: Dong, A and Vande Moere, A and Gero, J, (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures. (pp. 265 - 278). Springer: Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Psarra, S; WINEMAN, J; XU, Y; KAYNAR, I; (2007) Tracing the Modern: Architecture and Narrative Content at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and its latest Expansion. In: (Proceedings) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. : Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Sailer, K.; (2007) Movement in workplace environments – configurational or programmed? In: Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 June 2007, Istanbul. 6th International Space Syntax Symposium
Sailer, K.; Budgen, A.; Lonsdale, N.; Penn, A.; (2007) Changing the Architectural Profession - Evidence-Based Design, the New Role of the User and a Process-Based Approach. Presented at: Ethics and the Professional Culture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Sailer, K; (2007) Movement in workplace environments - configurational or programmed? In: Kubat, A and Ertekin, O and Guney, Y and Eyuboglu, E, (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. ITU Faculty of Architecture: Istanbul.
Sailer, K; Budgen, A; Lonsdale, N; Turner, A; Penn, A; (2007) Effective workplaces – bridging the gap between architectural research and design practice. Presented at: 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Sailer, K; Penn, A; (2007) The performance of space – exploring social and spatial phenomena of interaction patterns in an organisation. In: Proceedings of the Architecture and Phenomenology Conference. Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology: Haifa, Israel.
Schnädelbach, H.; Penn, A.; Steadman, P.; (2007) Mixed Reality Architecture: a dynamic architectural topology. Presented at: 6th International Space Syntax Symposium 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tinker, A.; Hanson, J.; Wright, F.; Mayagoitia, R.E.; Wojgani, H.; Holmans, A.; (2007) Remodelling sheltered housing and residential care homes to extra care housing: advice to housing and care providers. King's College London and University College London: London, UK.
Tinker, A; Hanson, J; (2007) Remodelling sheltered housing and residential care homes to extra care housing. [Lecture]. Presented at: Older People's Research Group.
Turner, A.; (2007) From axial to road-centre lines: a new representation for space syntax and a new model of route choice for transport network analysis. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design , 34 (3) pp. 539-555. 10.1068/b32067.
Turner, A.; (2007) The ingredients of an exosomatic cognitive map: isovists, agents and axial lines? In: Hölscher, C. and Conroy Dalton, R. and Turner, A., (eds.) Space Syntax and Spatial Cognition: Proceedings of the Workshop held in Bremen, 24th September 2006. (pp. pp. 163-180). Universität Bremen: Bremen, Germany.
Turner, A; (2007) Hermeneutic resonance in animats and art. In: Costa, FAE and Rocha, LM and Costa, E and Harvey, I and Coutinho, A, (eds.) Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings. (pp. 495 - 504). Springer-Verlag Berlin
Turner, A; (2007) To move through space: lines of vision and movement. In: Kubat, AS and Ertekin, O and Guney, YI and Eyuboglu, E, (eds.) Proceedings, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12 - 15 June, 2007. (pp. 037.001 - 037.012). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey.
Turner, A; (2007) UCL Depthmap. (Version 7). [Software]. Space Syntax Limited: London, UK.
Turner, A; Penn, A; (2007) Evolving direct perception models of human behavior in building systems. In: Waldau, N and Gattermann, P and Knoflacher, H and Schrekenberg, M, (eds.) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005. (411 - 422). Springer
Turner, J; Wineman, J; Psarra, S; Senske, N; Jung, S; (2007) Syntax 2D: An Open Source Software Platform for Space Syntax Analysis. In: Kubat, A, (ed.) (Proceedings) 6th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Vaughan, L; (2007) The spatial form of poverty in Charles Booth\'s London. In: Vaughan, L, (ed.) The Spatial Syntax of Urban Segregation. (231 - 250). Elsevier
Vaughan, L; (2007) The spatial foundations of community construction: the future of pluralism in Britain's 'multi-cultural' society. Global Built Environment Review 3 - 17.
Vaughan, L; Hanson, J; Conroy-Dalton, R; (2007) Teaching Space Syntax Through Reflective Practice. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. : Istanbul.
Vaughan, LS; Haklay, M; Jones, CE; Griffiths, S; (2007) The London Suburbs Profiler. Website: http://www.sstc.ucl.ac.uk/profiler/.
Wojgani, H.; Hanson, J.; (2007) Extra care housing: a paradigm shift. Presented at: Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Yang, T; Hillier, B; (2007) The fuzzy boundary: the spatial definition of urban areas. In: Kubat, A and Ertekin, O and Guney, Y and Eyuboglu, E, (eds.) Proceedings, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, İstanbul, 2007. (pp. 091.01 - 091.16). Istanbul Technical University: Istanbul, Turkey.