This funded Innovative Training Network (2019–2023) trains young researchers in understanding the specific knowledge that architects use when designing buildings and cities.
Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing’ is a funded Innovative Training Network (2019–2023), as part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions within the European Framework Program Horizon 2020. It trains young researchers in understanding the specific knowledge that architects use when designing buildings and cities.
TACK gathers ten major academic institutions, three leading cultural architectural institutions as well as nine distinguished architecture design offices. Collaboratively these partners offer an innovative PhD training program on the nature of tacit knowledge in architecture, resulting in ten parallel PhD projects.
While the individual PhD projects constitute independent doctoral projects in their own right, in terms of content, nine of these can be grouped in three clusters of tacit knowledge research: Approaching (historical and theoretical perspectives); Probing (concrete cases); Situating (innovative concepts and methods). A final PhD project investigates tacit knowledge in architectural education.
- People
Professor Peg Rawes
- External partners
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860413. Website:
Academic partners:
ETHZurich (Project lead), TU Delft, KTH Stockholm, OCCAS Oslo, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Politecnico di Milano, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, University of Antwerp, Leibniz Universität Hannover, and the Bartlett School of Architecture UCL.Academics:
Prof. dr. ir. Tom Avermaete, Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design, ETHZurich.
Dr. ir. Janina Gosseye is Associate Professor of Urban Architecture, and Prof. dr. ir. Klaske Havik, Professor of Methods of Analysis and Imagination, TU Delft.
Prof. dr. Helena Mattsson is Professor in History and Theory, and Assoc. Prof. Jennifer Mack, Associate Professor in Theory and History KTH Stockholm.
Prof. dr. Tim Anstey, Director of PhD Programme, Oslo School of Architecture and Design.
Prof. dr. ir. Christoph Grafe, Professor of Architectural History and Theory, University of Wuppertal.
Prof. dr. Gennaro Postiglione, Full Professor in Interior Architecture, and Dr. Gaia Caramellino, Assistant Professor of history of architecture, Milano.
Prof. dr. ir. Angelika Schnell, Professor for architectural theory, architectural history and design, and Dr. Eva Sommeregger, Assistant Professor, Vienna.
Prof. dr. ir. Lara Schrijver, Professor in Architecture Theory, Antwerp.
Prof. dr. ir. Margitta Buchert, Chair for Architecture and Art 20th/21st Centuries, Leibniz.
Dr. Korinna Weber and Dr. Laura Trazic, Project Administrators.Doctoral students/Early Stage Researchers:
Eric Crevels, Anna Livia Vorsel, Mara Trübenbach, Filippo Cattapan, Claudia Mainardi, Paula Strunden, Ionas Sklavounos, Jhono Bennett, Caendia Wijnbelt, Hamish LonerganNon-academic partners:
Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI), Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (VAi), Architekturzentrum Wien (AzW), Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten, Spridd, De Smet Vermeulen architecten, Cityfoerster, One Fine Day architects, Onsite studio, Haworth Tompkins.Advisory Board:
Stefan Anspach, Wivina Demeester, Françoise Fromonot, Boris Brorman Jensen, Hilde Léon, Caroline van Eck.- Image credit
Re-enactment of project by Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, at the International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design, 1985, for the TACK Summer School, Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI), Rotterdam, NL. Photo by Jana Scheithauer