New short courses starting this summer
27 May 2015
The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL has launched a new suite of short courses starting this summer. Aimed at school leavers, university students and professionals wishing to hone their skills, the courses give students a chance to experience life within the UK's leading architecture school giving them access to cutting-edge facilities and staff.
Summer School
This short course attracts both young people still in their secondary education and school leavers considering creative careers.
Summer Studio
This tailored short course offers students already studying Architecture at different universities, or undertaking similar creative programmes, the opportunity to diversify their skills in a range of areas.
Summer Skill-ups
The Summer Skill-ups are intensive 5-day courses offering a wide range of computer and portfolio training to hone existing skills and develop new ones. These can be taken in conjunction with the longer Bartlett Summer Studio programme or as stand-alone courses.
Summer Special
These specialist short courses offer students already studying Architecture at different universities, or undertaking similar creative programmes, the opportunity to diversify their skills in a particular field.
Bartlett Springboard
This is a new intensive studio specifically designed for Architects who wish extend the range of their work, under the guidance of Professor Sir Peter Cook RA.