Polypolis _Athens: Become an Athenian and experience a city in crisis - 23 June
14 June 2012

Polypolis is a mindset shifting board game: In the rapidly deteriorating Athens center, players are assigned life roles; Immersed in an urban environment of economic recession, illegality, city phobia, rising violence and human desperation, the Athenians (Greek and immigrants, shop owners, unemployed, land owners, investors, inhabitants, entrepreneurs, intellectuals etc) enter into an agonizing and agonistic struggle to reset the city's human, physical and natural resources. The players keep reflecting, and acting upon 'real' city conditions and watch the outcome of their decisions to unfold on the game board. The Athenians of the Polypolis social game stand up to the challenge of the crisis and have the power to transform the materiality of their city. Be one of them!!!
Date: 23 June 2012, 15.00–17.00
Jeremy Bentham Room, Wilkins Building, Main Quadrangle
UCL, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
The event was developed by Bartlett's MArch Urban Design students as strategic partners, and is Greece's entry for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad.
This project is part of the British Council's International Architecture and Design Showcase 2012 (21 June-23 September); a global gathering of cultural projects that investigate architecture and design from across the world, presented for the London 2012 Festival.
Polypolis is held under the auspices of the Embassy of Greece in London, and organized in collaboration with SARCHA's strategic partners in the UK:
The Westminster International Law and Theory Center, Westminster University and The Urban Design MArch programme, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL