
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Invisible Interactions

Marianne Glinka

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQO4iPW_YXo&list=PLsb2Sw7m0zcV2ILDhR1La3...


Electronic data collection sensors are emerging throughout cities globally in order to manage assets and resources efficiently. On a human scale, smart objects are able to track everything in your body from your temperature, blood pressure, skin quality and sex drive. Such data can be later interrogated, used and valued by corporations.

For the proposed model of the smart city to be successfully deployed, privately-funded data centres are crucial to process and store data. Whilst the potential for such a model to establish optimal efficiency, sustainability and connectivity is undeniable, methods of handling immensely personal data raises concerns around data ownership and security risks. 

In order to investigate these concerns, I have mapped and visualised a series of connections within the smart city in order to expose unseen human interactions and data processes. My intervention focuses in on the human body as a connected mechanism in the city. Connecting my own body to a range of smart objects designed to track the functions of the body as I went about my day-to-day life, I recorded my data journey in order to explore the true cost of making these invisible interactions visible.