Space Syntax Laboratory Research Seminar: Sam McElhinney
25 February 2021, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

This event is free.
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- Free
Sepehr Zhand
Integration without the grid; An isovist based approach to spatial analysis
The seminar will initially reflect on the appropriateness of graphs (or ‘VGA’ analysis) for analysing dense architectural space, in comparison to their success in describing sparse urban street networks. Sam will discuss how the inherent properties of the ‘isovist’ overcomes the limitations of the VGA approach, negating the need for graphs to be used to describe geometric space. He will subsequently outline, (through demonstration) a method that uses a successive overlap and concatenation of stochastic isovist chain geometries to rapidly produce very high definition integration fields within subject architectural plans. A brief data analysis of the development of accuracy of such results for a range of plan types will be presented, and some tentative theoretical implications suggested.
Sam McElhinney is the Programme Director for Architecture at the Canterbury School of Architecture (part of the University for the Creative Arts). He is an Architect who previously worked at Surface Architects, Jason Bruges Studio, and with Sophia Psarra in UCL’s Space Syntax Lab. In his spare time he now develops and maintains and the ‘Isovist_app’.
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Image: Sam McElhinney