
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Applied Research in the Market Place: Architectural Design Research Symposium

15 September 2020, 12:30 pm–4:30 pm

Millicent Green, Architectural Design Research team

This symposium will present the findings of the research project ‘Applied Research in the Market Place: Architectural Design Research.’

Event Information

Open to





The Bartlett School of Architecture

Please note: times given on this website are in British Summer Time. The information given on the Chalmers University website is in Central European Time. 


‘Applied Research in the Market Place: Architectural Design Research, co-led by The Bartlett School of Architecture’s Centre for London Urban Design (CLOUD), develops a model for highlighting, articulating, producing and disseminating the design research that takes place within architectural practices, by developing some applied examples involving SMEs and external stakeholders in London in the UK and Gothenburg in Sweden. 

The project is funded by an EU networking grant of around £280,000 that was awarded to form an emerging research alliance between UCL, ETH Zurich, TU Delft, TU Munich and Chalmers University.

Speakers at this symposium, hosted by Chalmers University, will include The Bartlett’s Professor Murray Fraser and Professor Peter Bishop. 


This symsposium is free to attend and will take place on Zoom. 

More information